Saturday, June 7, 2008

two hours, seven minutes

Just finished Halfway to the Sky by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley. After Dani's brother dies and her parents divorce, she runs off intending to hike the Appalachian trail on her own, only to have her mother catch up and decide to tag along. The family is convincingly dysfunctional but not unlikeable. There's a nice mix of family drama and girl finding herself in rugged, sporty endurance. Rough details (prune- y feet, sweat dripping in enumerated places on your body you never think about) not spared. And best of all- I've always dreamed of trying!!!!

Probably not a coincidence I'm starting off my marathon reading reading about a marathon-esque event. I love this stuff. Case in point- participating in breaking a record set in India for the world's longest dance party (India has since taken it back.) (and this article got it wrong: we danced 52 hours, 3 minutes. My feet confirm it. They were there.)

Best part of the book for me: Apparently it still counts as "thru-hiking" the Appalachian trail if you do the whole thing in sections. Hard to see getting sixth months off to do it before I retire...but a week or so once a year...

Won't be winning this marathon- started too late, false started, began on 4 hours sleep and I'm going to need more before it's over. But I'll give this trial run the best I've got in preparation for next year.

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